FIRST COHORT (2000-2002)

Student’s Name Thesis Director Thesis Title Download (Full-text in Spanish)
Maytorena Noriega María de los Ángeles Daniel González Lomelí Online evaluation of the results of learning methods in bachelor degree students
Mexía Soler María Antonieta Ángel Vera Noriega Attitudes, knowledge and degrees of masculinity-femininity in sexual education of elementary school teachers
Nava Ortega Martha Julia Daniel González Lomelí Effects of the training department from an Administrative Accounting Professional Consulting Center  in students from the University of Sonora training
Domínguez Guedea Rosario Leticia Ángel Vera Noriega The teacher in rural areas: Teaching practice profile as an elemento toward equity and quality in basic education in the south of Sonora
Cruz Larios Jaime Fernando Cota Madero Professional training for teaching literature in high school and higher education in the State of Sonora
Cruz Encinas Ignacio Rodolfo Peón Aguirre Educational innovation design proposal for teaching a classical Physics course
Díaz Martínez Sara Lorelí Guadalupe González Lizarraga Teachers training proposal for the use of ICT as support for attendance-based courses
Carrasco Valenzuela María Engracia Carlos Gallegos Elías Social implementation model: educational innovation proposal for training in Social Work
Nuñez Navarro maría victoria Etty H. Estévez Nénninger Multidisciplinary intervention for a vulnerable and captive childhood
Jiménez Ornelas Roberto Raúl Rodríguez Jiménez The relationship between science and technology in the University of Sonora
Burquez Iriqui Karla Lizette Ángel Vera Noriega An innovative training model for multi-grade classroom teachers based on reflective practice
Montoya Haro Santos Joel Etty H. Estévez Nénninger Educational innovation project for teaching photography
Lara Enríquez Dannia Guadalupe Guadalupe González Lizarraga Young university students, between diversity and coincidence: Communication Sciences at the University of Sonora case study
Gómez Portillo Aremi Enna Nieblas Obregón Implementation of a teaching to think program to a group of university students