FOURTH COHORT (2007-2009)

Student’s Name Thesis Director Thesis Title Download (Full-text in Spanish)
Ayón Munguía Luz del Carmen Dr. Ángel Vera Noriega Evaluation of the institucional functionality and competencies from the perspective of university students in the State of Sonora
Bravo Jaime Ana Alejandra Dr. Daniel González Lomelí Causal perception and achievement motivation for success and academic failures in university students
Díaz Núñez Xóchitl Dr. Victor Corral Verdugo Factors associated to failing school by students of the University of Sonora
González Bello Edgar Oswaldo Dra. Emilia Castillo Ochoa Teaching new Information and Communication Technologies in the new educational model of the University of Sonora, Mexico
Leyva Castellanos Edgardo Dra. Etty H. Estévez Nénninger Research activities in the University of Sonora: the teachers perception
Mariscal González Silvia Lucía Dra. Laura Urquidi Treviño The first school year experience of students in the University of Sonora: integration, vocation and project
Pérez Barbier Adeline Dr. Raúl Rodríguez Jiménez Evolution and current situation of the postgraduate programs in education in Sonora
Quihui Andrade Ana Luisa Dra. Etty H. Estévez Nénninger Rasgos de la actividad docente en la Universidad de Sonora desde la perspectiva de sus académicos