FIFTH COHORT (2009-2011)

Student’s Name Thesis Director Thesis Title Download (Full-text in Spanish)
Estrada Cabrera Rocío del Carmen Dr. Daniel González Lomelí Evaluation of learning strategies and self-regulation in university students
Franco Betanzos Jonathan David Dra. Martha Frías Armenta Support and factors associated  with dropping out in junior high school and high school students with behavioural problems
García Medina Marcela Cecilia Dra. Emilia Castillo Ochoa Tracing the graduate students from the Masters Degree in Innovative Education of the University of Sonora: Perception about educational space and satisfaction
Gastélum Valdéz Carmen Iveth Dra. Laura Urquidi Treviño Academic integration and individual commitment of university students
Gutiérrez Ibarra Dulce María Dr. Victor Corral Verdugo Diagnostic study oriented toward sustainability in university students in Sonora
Martínez García Joel Manuel Dra. Etty H. Estévez Nénninger A multi-dimensional approach to teaching from the teachers perspective from three higher education institutions in Sonora
Martínez Robles Natalia Dr. Federico Zayas Pérez Meanings of cultural consumption: experiences from a group of university students
Moreno Ruíz Martín Omar Dr. Jose Luis Ramírez Romero Knowledge and use of Information and Communication Technologies from the perspective of students of the University of Sonora
Piña Osuna Francisco Manuel Dr. Daniel González Lomelí Basic high school knowledge through the EXHCOBA and improvement of academic achievement in university students
Quiñones Sánchez Francisco Javier Dr. Daniel Carlos Gutiérrez Rohán Political culture in students from a public university. Case study of the University of Sonora
Ramos Degollado Felipe de Jesús Dr. Daniel González Lomelí Cognitive learning strategies and academic dishonesty associated to academic performance  in university students
Serrano Arias Martha Esther Dra. Martha Frías Armenta Influence of educators’ training in minors, cared for in shelters, antisocial behavior
Tarazón Ruíz Flor Alejandra Dr. Daniel Carlos Gutiérrez Rohán Cultural provisions in university professors: University of Sonora case study
Villavicencio Rocío Guadalupe Dr. Raul Roddríguez Jiménez The process of institutionalisation of Sciences and Humanities Studies in the University of Sonora. School of Higher Studies
Zavála Escalante María Guadalupe Dr. Etty H. Estévez Nénninger Beliefs about teaching and learning of higher education teachers in Sonora