SIXTH COHORT (2011-2013)

Student’s Names Thesis Director Thesis Title Download (Full-text in Spanish)
Antonio López Ramiro Dr. Daniel González Lomelí Academic and social integration of indigenous students in higher education
Arreola Olivarria Claudia Gabriela Dra. Etty H. Estévez Nénninger Teaching models with a cognitive-constructivist approach in higher education teachers
Cuen Michel Carlos Dr. José Luis Ramírez Romero ICT: Uses and effect in the teaching-learning processes in a Bachelor program in Communication Sciences
Carpio Valencia Cynthia Lucía Dr. Federico Zayas Pérez A qualitative study of Medicine as a calling in freshman of the University of Sonora
Espinoza Romero Migdelina Andrea Dra. Guadalupe González Lizárraga Postgraduate studies: a study about academic perseverance
García Soto Gladys Yvone Dra. Guadalupe González Lizárraga Factors which benefit or hinder mentoring, perspective of  the University of Sonora students
Guzmán Contreras Alfredo Dra. Emilia Castillo Ochoa Use of time by students of the University of Sonora
Hernández Quezada Ana Lucía Dra. Emilia Castillo Ochoa Gender stereotypes as of students from a male-oriented area. Case study: Industrial and Systems Engineering. University of Sonora
Jiménez Salcido Diana Fernanda Dra. Laura Urquidi Treviño Women students in science and engineering doctoral degrees
Lipovka Olga Dra. Laura Urquidi Treviño Cultural adaptation of foreign students in the University of Sonora
López de la Rosa María del Carmen Dra. Etty H. Estévez Nénninger Characteristics and meanings of innovative didactic design experiences supported by educational platforms in higher education. The case study of ITESM
Maya Rodríguez Jesús Miguel Dra. Emilia Castillo Ochoa Impact of the gender perspective institutional policy in the University of Sonora from the perception of the Law bachelor’s degree students
Medrano Molina Daniela Dr. Raúl Rodríguez Jiménez An exploratory study about the elite scientific researches in Sonora
Montoya Verdugo Gabriela Dr. Ángel Vera Noriega Teaching practice evaluation in the Teacher Training Institutions through the students’ opinion
Moreno Chávez Germán Joaquín Dr. Daniel González Lomelí Teaching skills in the use of ICT within the University of Sonora
Moreno Fierro Glenda Liliana Dr. Federico Zayas Pérez Comprehensive education: meanings attributed by students of the University of Sonora
Olivas López José Antonio Dr. José Luis Ramírez Romero Information and Communication Technologies in teaching music in the university and factors which influence its use
Ramírez Barragán Francisco Aaron Dra. Laura Urquidi Treviño Characterization of Doctoral degree students of the University of Sonora and factors of the socialization process
Ramírez Yanez Claudia Berenice Dr. Daniel Carlos Gutiérrez Rohán National System of Researchers and Teaching practice (the case study of the Humanities and Fine Arts Division of the University of Sonora)
Rascón Cruz Marisol Dr. Víctor Corral Verdugo Psychological effects inherent to sustainable behavior in university students
Robles Haros Blanca Isela Dra. Etty H. Estévez Nénninger Meanings about didactic design of higher education teachers in Mexico
Rodríguez Equihua Daniel Dra. Guadalupe González Lizárraga Students: university experiences and institutional factors
Sandoval Murillo Patricia Dr. Federico Zayas Pérez A case study about creativity in Graphic Design students
Yanez Quijada Adrián Israel Dr. Ángel Vera Noriega Admissions criteria and socio-economic background as predictive variables to academic achievement in students from the Teachers Training Institution