SEVENTH COHORT (2013-2015)

Student’s Name Thesis Director Thesis Title Download (Full-text in Spanish)
Álvarez Quintero Adolfo Dr. Angel Vera Noriega Social Origin and effectiveness in a cohort of students from the Teacher Training Institution of Sonora
Barton López Melina Dr. José Luis Ramírez Romero The use of digital tools in Academic Writing by University Students
Borbón Muñoz Iván Humberto Dra. Emilia Castillo Ochoa / Dr. Edgar Oswaldo González Bello (Co-supervisor) Teacher Training and Practice in the implementation of virtual education at the University of Sonora. A view from the agents
Bueno Castro Gissel Dr. Angel Vera Noriega Proposal of a Hetero-evaluation and Self-evaluation Model for Teacher Practice for the Teacher Training Institution of Sonor
Cañedo Macías Ana Gabriela Dra. Etty Haydeé Estévez Nénninger Variables which influence the adoption of Cognitive-Constructivist teaching approaches and comprehensive training in teachers in universities of Mexico
Cortez García Danahé Aleida Dra. Carlota Guzmán / Dra. Guadalupe González Lizárraga (Co-supervisor) Job projects of students who work: learnings, expectations and strategies
Estrada González Silvia Aurora Dr. Federico Zayas Pérez Construction of meanings and significance about Higher Education within the family as an educational setting
González Juárez Carmen Dra. Laura Urquidi Treviño Socio-demographic and academic situation of indigenous Mayos students in Higher Education Institutions
Guzmán Álvarez Alejandra Dr. Raúl Rodríguez Jiménez Evolution and outreach of the Scholarship Institutional Program for teachers of the University of Sonora
Hernández Villa Alicia del Carmen Dr. Federico Zayas Pérez Educational experience in sustainable development in university students who show an active sustainable commitment
Hugues Santa Cruz Esther Dra. Ma. Guadalupe González Lizárraga Digital Culture and interaction through the use of digital resources in young university students
Leyva Muñoz Adriana Guadalupe Dr. Daniel Carlos Gutiérrez Rohán Technological capital of teachers of the University of Sonora
López Franco Guillermo Dra. Etty Haydeé Estévez Nénninger / Dr. Ángel Alberto Valdés Cuervo (Co-supervisor) Constructivist Approaches and Scientific Dissemination in Exact and Natural Sciences Teaching from the Teachers Perspective in the University of Sonora
Ochoa Priscilla Guadalupe Dra. Emilia Castillo Ochoa University students re-entry to school. Return migration in the University of Sonora case study
Pérez Benavidez Paola Dra. Laura Urquidi Treviño Factors which influence the persistence of Higher Education Students in the University of Sonora
Ruiz Avila Mayra Lizeth Dr. Juan Pablo Durand V. Foreign origin scientist at the University of Sonora: their trajectories and contributions to science
Sarabia Sáenz Noelia Anahí Dr. Federico Zayas Pérez An approach to the concept of non-formal education in Mexican Educational Research in the 2002-2011 period
Torres Soto Nissa Yaing Dr. Raúl Rodríguez Jiménez Mothers and University Students: an exploratory study about the social construction of motherhood
Velazquez Ruiz Alejandra Guadalupe Dr. Juan Pablo Durand V. Mobility and the international student at the University of Sonora
Yánez Díaz Mireya Berenice Dra. Ma. Guadalupe González Lizárraga Youth participation of university students through different digital platforms, a form of Cyberactivism?