NINTH COHORT (2017-2019)

Student’s Name Thesis Director Thesis Topic
Benítez Alcaraz Eunice Julieta Dra. Cecilia Norzagaray / Dra. Alma Carrasco Altamirano (Co-supervisor) Women Experiences in Identity Construction in an Engineering Program in the Technological Institute of Hermosillo
Bolaños Mendoza Joaquín Ladislao Dra. Cecilia Norzagaray / Dr. Rollin Kent Serna (Co-supervisor) Doctoral Students Experience in Scientific Training in the University of Sonora
Campoy Garza Víctor Manuel Dr. Juan Pablo Durand Professional and Educational Profiles of Institutions of Higher Education rectors of Sonora
Cruz Pérez Nereida Alejandra Dr. Edgar Oswaldo González Bello Integration of ICT in Initial Teacher Preparation: Innovating Math Teaching
Díaz Fontecha David Felipe Dr. Daniel Carlos Gutiérrez Construction of Subjectivities in Homosexual Students in the University of Sonora
Estrada Álvarez Cecilia María Dr. Federico Zayas Pérez Meanings, Identities, and Institutional Perceptions of Students with Special Needs in Higher Education
Gámez Grijalva Lizeth Gabriela Dra. Emilia Castillo Ochoa Professional Development of Scholars in the BA in Communication Science of the University of Sonora
García Elizarrarás Israel Jesús Dr. Daniel Carlos Gutiérrez The idea of future of undergraduate students of the University of Sonora
Gutiérrez Franco Laura Edith Dra. Etty Estévez Nénninger Academic Profession and Teaching in Higher Education Institutions in Mexico
Guzmán Alcaraz Sandra Alicia Dr. Raúl Rodríguez Jiménez Academic Training of Legislators in the State of Sonora 1997-2017
Landavazo Noriega Ana Catalina Dr. Federico Zayas Pérez English, How and What for? Learning Experiences of the Foreign Languages Department Students of the University of Sonora
Lerma Gaxiola Rosa Evguenin Dra. Emilia Castillo Ochoa Participation and Meanings of Incentive Policies and Acknowledgments of Communication Science Professors of the University of Sonora
Ojeda Cota María de Guadalupe Dra. Lupita González Lizárraga Kinds of Cyber Harassment Interactions referred by Young University Students through Digital Social Networks
Padilla Carvajal Dora Luz Dr. Raúl Rodríguez Jiménez Students and Foreign Languages in the University of Sonora
Rendón Ortega Manuel Alejandro Dr. Raúl Rodríguez Jiménez Education of the Secretaries of Education and Culture of the Government of Sonora 1927 – 2017
Ruiz Galindo Claudia Dr. Daniel Carlos Gutiérrez Graduate Students and their Academic Provisions in ITESM: The Case of Thomas Alva Edison Junior High School
Santos Ochoa Pablo Antonio Dra. Emilia Castillo Ochoa Retirement and Old-age Pension Policies and Life Plan of Scholars
Taddei Arriola Ivana Celeste Dra. Lupita González Lizárraga The Process of Citizen Training through Political Participation with Gender Perspective in Students of the University of Sonora
Tarazón Bujanda María Danitza Dr. Edgar Oswaldo González Bello Use of ICT in the Teaching Approaches of Science in Engineering: A Case Study in the Technological University of Hermosillo
Varela Aguilar Aiko Dr. Juan Pablo Durand Experiences of the International Mobility Process in France: MEXFITEC Students of the University of Sonora
Velázquez Mancillas Alba Itzel Dr. Federico Zayas Pérez Educational Experiences of Students in High Academic Risk in the University of Sonora