EIGHTH COHORT (2015-2017)

Student’s Name Thesis Director Thesis Title Download (Full-text in Spanish)
Atondo Nubes Oriana Guadalupe Dr. Raúl Rodríguez Jiménez Language students in the University of Sonora: First approach
Ayala Reyes Dora Isela Dra. Ma. Guadalupe González Lizárraga Factors which influence the choice of a University degree in the Field of Education
Colín Palma Brenda Guadalupe Dr. Federico Zayas Pérez Affective elements in the teacher-student interaction: the meaning of the educational process
Del Cid García Carlos Javier Dr. Ángel Vera Noriega Analysis of the institucional functionality of the Teacher-Training Schools of the State of Sonora from the teachers perception
Esquivel Redondo Dinorah Dra. Laura Urquidi Treviño Academic Goals in Masters Degree Students in Hermosillo, Sonora
Félix Medrano Dania Dra. Emilia Castillo Ochoa / Dr. Edgar Oswaldo González Bello (Co-supervisor) Meanings of the Teachers Performance Incentive Program and its effects on academic work in the University of Sonora
Gracián Serrano Fanny Dr. Daniel Carlos Gutiérrez Academic reading habits in students of the University of Sonora
Grijalva Mendoza Tomás Dra. Laura Urquidi Treviño Gender stereotypes in Doctoral students of the University of Sonora
Hernández Camarena Karla Beatriz Dr. Federico Zayas Pérez The meaning of the Teachers’ Authority from the students perspective in the University of Sonora and its implications with education
León Ruiz Marcela Dr. Juan Pablo Durand Educational trajectories and international mobility of researchers in the University of Sonora: reasons, obstacles and outcomes
Lizárraga Coronado Susana Elizabeth Dra. Laura Urquidi Treviño Women in science and engineering. Gap and gender stereotypes
López Espinosa José Ricardo Dr. Edgar Oswaldo González Bello Technological integration in the University of Sonora and its contribution to innovation in teaching from the teachers perspectiveo
López Sauceda María del Rosario Dra. Lupita González Lizárraga Choosing a University, area of study and degree: public and private High School students in Hermosillo
Magaña Amezcua Marcos Dr. Juan Pablo Durand Evolution and development factors of private Higher Education in Sonora 2010-2016
Quintana Montaño Adilene Dr. Juan Pablo Durand International student mobility in the University of Sonora during the term 2001-2016
Quiroz Ortega María Fernanda Dra. Cecilia Norzagaray Digital Culture and University Students
Ramos Batriz Nilsa Denise Dra. Etty Estévez Nénninger / Dr. Edgar Oswaldo González Bello (Co-supervisor) Academic Profession in Public State Universities in Mexico: activities, working conditions, and social contributions
Rojas Méndez Daniel Dra. Emilia Castillo Ochoa / Dr. Edgar Oswaldo González Bello (Co-supervisor) Aspirations, misinterpretations, and effects of the National System of Researchers in academic work in the University of Sonora
Solís Navarro José Manuel Dra. Etty Estévez Nénninger / Dr. Ángel Alberto Valdés Cuervo (Co-supervisor) Academic Profession in CONACYT Public Research Centers in Mexico